Published: 16th April 2021
For property portals, property reports and agent websites
Navigate around the tour below and watch as we update the page with the information we are receiving back.
Loaded: No
Interacted: No
Percentage Viewed: 0%
Current Photo:
Navigation Log:
Made Snappy 360 Standard
There has been a significant increase in agents adopting virtual tours, and currently there is no retrievable data on how the user is interacting with a tour, or if they have even used it at all.
We've come up with the solution.
Using the Made Snappy 360 Virtual Tour SDK (Software Development Kit), when a portal or website embeds a virtual tour in a page they will be provided with this information in real time.
Example 1 - Any Property Portal
Track users behaviour navigating around a virtual tour and provide analytics to agents.
If a user has provided their details, provide feedback to the agent on how much of the tour they viewed.
Example 2 - Property Reports
When sending custom reports to potential buyers or renters, provide feedback to the agent on how much of the tour they viewed
Notification when the tour is loaded
Notification when a user navigates to a new photo
Notification when a user interacts (mouse click, drag or scroll) with the tour for the first time
Step 1
Include our javascript file in the header of the page:
Step 2
In your document ready function, setup callbacks to receive the information: