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Remove personal possessions

24th June 2020


(Paint version below)

If a property is still tenanted or owned, there is a good chance it will still have personal possessions in, such as family photographs, laptops. To avoid including these in your virtual tour, you can either move them out of the room before hand, or easily blur them out of your images.

1. Select the area of the image you wish to blur out.

2. Select the type of blur your software supports, in our case Photoshop – gaussian blur

3. Increase or decrease the level of blur

4. Save your new image


1. Download is a free download for your desktop. It is an advanced paint tool which features such as Gaussian blur which the standard version of paint doesn't support. You can download here:

2. Open your file in

3. Ellipse Select

Select the ellipse tool in Tools (or rectangle depending on what you are blurring!) and draw around the area you wish to blur.

4. Select Gaussian blur

Select the Gaussian blur in Effects - Blurs - Gaussian Blur

5. Select the radius

The radius stands for the intensity of the blur. The lower the number, the lesser the blur.

6. Save your file

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